Well it has been a while since my last post. I guess maybe I’ve been reeling from the monumental task ahead of me… or maybe I’ve just not had much to write about.
Eitherway, I have the club relays and the London Triathlon to look forward to. The other news is that I’ve entered another half-Ironman event which is taking place in 45 days time. Yikes. I must admit that I am concerned about the hill climbing on the cycle portion of the course. Lots of ups and then downs without many chances to use the aero bars.
I’ve been for a couple of swim coaching sessions and the feedback was reasonably positive. The area I need to focus on is the catch portion of the stroke which is what I have been trying to do during my last couple of pool sessions.
Anyway, a busy two months ahead and then a brief “taking it easier” period after which the big push for IM Austria will begin.