Well since being back my training hasn’t been nearly as plentiful as I’d have hoped. The long and the short of it is that there isn’t enough time in the day. Last week was a nightmare due to issues at work which ate into my training time, kept me up late so was too tired to train or just made me feel like not training.
I have managed to get some swimming and cycling on the rollers in over the last couple of weeks which keeps things ticking over nicely.
I am trying out forefoot running after my running “layoff” and so far its not looking too bad. I have just done a run with a new pair of Newtons and I have to admit that I’m not 100% convinced I can feel the spring and bounce that the brochures claim. That said, they are comfortable and the fit is good – I chose 1 size up (for US rather than UK size) from my usual Brooks. They do help you run on the forefoot and you tend to notice when the odd heel-strike happens. I think I need a few more runs to decide if they live up to their claims. That said, the bright orange does stand out and takes some getting used to. All in all, nothing to complain about relating to the Newton’s yet… maybe they are my running saviours!