Well I thought I ought to sort out my laptop to connect to my CompuTrainer for the upcoming winter indoor training which ought to take place. As it turns out, I ran into a few issues as my laptop has been rebuilt since I last used the CompuTrainer connected to my laptop. I’ve been using the CompuTrainer handlebar control for varying the power rather than courses or 3D videos.
Anyway the bits of software I’ve installed are:
CompuTrainer 3D
Download the latest version (v3.0 2010/08/05) and install. Make sure to install into C:\ and not C:\program files.
Coaching Software CS
Download and install into C:\ aswell. This is now free.
Topo GPS
Download and install. I also needed to download the “other” topogps.exe from
which was included in the forum post at
Without this update I was unable to view/edit 3DC files, as described in the forum post. The error in the application’s fatal.log file was:
Error in X:\_f\lib\velib2\willcourse.cpp at line 113: nlegs error
This is a great piece of software which allows one to convert .gpx files into .3dc files which can be “ridden” using the CompuTrainer 3D software.
I am considering getting the updated RacerMate One software which has recently been released. I do wonder how useful it wil be though. Hopefully DC Rainmaker will do an indepth review of the software in the near future.